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CMS440I/O (전화문읜)
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    · 제조사 : VTC
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• The most effective way to handle the physical inputs and outputs of a
processor and power amplifier rack
• XLR inputs as well as Speakon™ outputs are mounted on the front panel
for quick disconnect
• All processor and amplifier inputs and outputs are connected in the rear
• Tying in to speaker arrays is as simple as connecting a Speakon™
cable to each enclosure
• Minimizes the possibility of configuration errors in the field for faster
set up and tear down
The VTC CMS440i/o handles the physical inputs and outputs of a DLMS4080 processor and power amplifier rack. XLR inputs as well as Speakon™ outputs for biamplified cabinets like the Inception Series C4 sidefill / monitor enclosure. All inputs and outputs are mounted on the front panel for quick disconnect from the rig, while all processor inputs and power amplifier outputs are connected to the rear of the VTC CMS440i/o chassis inside the rack and pre-wired quick connection to cabinets in the field.
In a complex touring application where quick setup and tear down is important to the bottom line, the VTC CMS440i/o is essential for expediting the load in and load out. All biamplified cabinet amplifiers and bridged power amplifiers can be configured carefully and expertly in their racks before being sent to the venue. Tying in to speaker arrays is as simple as connecting a 4-pole Speakon™ to every cabinet from the clearly marked front CMS440i/o panel.
The VTC CMS440i/o also minimizes the possibility of wiring and amplifier configuration errors in the field and allows less experienced techs to tie in speaker arrays without close supervision.
• The most effective way to handle the physical inputs and outputs of a
• processor and power amplifier rack
• XLR inputs as well as Speakon™ outputs are mounted on the front panel
• for quick disconnect
• All processor and amplifier inputs and outputs are connected in the rear
• Tying in to speaker arrays is as simple as connecting a Speakon™
• cable to each enclosure
• Minimizes the possibility of configuration errors in the field for faster
• set up and tear down

The VTC CMS440i/o handles the physical inputs and outputs of a DLMS4080 processor and power amplifier rack. XLR inputs as well as Speakon™ outputs for biamplified cabinets like the Inception Series C4 sidefill / monitor enclosure. All inputs and outputs are mounted on the front panel for quick disconnect from the rig, while all processor inputs and power amplifier outputs are connected to the rear of the VTC CMS440i/o chassis inside the rack and pre-wired quick connection to cabinets in the field.
In a complex touring application where quick setup and tear down is important to the bottom line, the VTC CMS440i/o is essential for expediting the load in and load out. All biamplified cabinet amplifiers and bridged power amplifiers can be configured carefully and expertly in their racks before being sent to the venue. Tying in to speaker arrays is as simple as connecting a 4-pole Speakon™ to every cabinet from the clearly marked front CMS440i/o panel.
The VTC CMS440i/o also minimizes the possibility of wiring and amplifier configuration errors in the field and allows less experienced techs to tie in speaker arrays without close supervision.
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