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TX4 (전화상담) (조)
    · 고객선호도 :
    · 제조사 : YORKVILLE
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[제품 설명]
대용량의 콘서트에 적합한 TX 시리즈 스피커는 새로운 인 하우스 혼 디자인과 40년이 넘는 Yorkville의 PA 기술로 제작
된 대출력 스피커 시스템입니다.
TX4 - Speaker - 15 inch / 2 inchThe compact and efficient TX4 features the same 2" high frequency driver as the
TX8, but mounted on a slightly shorter horn. The 4" voice coil of the proprietary B&C 15" woofer provides
increased output to keep pace with the efficient 2" high frequency driver while ensuring safe operation at high
sound pressure levels.
The carefully chosen crossover point matches the directivity characteristics of the woofer to the horn, resulting in
smooth horizontal coverage and a seamless transition in the all important midband. Top and bottom flytrack and
fixed eyebolt connections provide flexible yet cost effective 'flying' capability.
A specific analog stereo three-way processor (TX4P) has been engineered and is available for the TX4 to
ensure maximum system performance.
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