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[제품 설명]

The Secret to B207MP3’s Amazing Sound

Thanks to our revolutionary Class-D amplifier technology and internal switch-mode power supplies, not only do B207MP3 loudspeakers sound great, they weigh considerably less than most competing active speakers. They pump out 150 of the cleanest, punchiest Watts you’ve ever heard from a compact loudspeaker, and you can link additional active loudspeaker systems via the handy THRU socket. The built-in 4-channel mixer accepts XLR, TRS and RCA inputs, plus channel 2 features a switchable instrument-ready input – no DI required! A dedicated 3-band EQ (Low/Mid/High) provides simple, yet effective tonal control.

Put the Sound Where You Want It

Space limitations often make it impossible to place full-sized monitor wedges where they can do the most good – and passive monitors require lots of external amplifiers and processing gear to function properly. All this adds up to even more gear to move, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can easily damage passive monitors by applying too much, or even worse, too little power to them. With the B207MP3 we’ve taken all the guesswork out, giving each loudspeaker its own 150-Watt, Class-D amplifier specifically designed as the perfect mate for the custom-engineered 6.5" neodymium driver.

Custom-Engineered Drivers

Let’s face it; the drivers (otherwise known as speakers) are the only part of a sound system you actually hear. So when it comes to ours, we don’t cut any corners. While some of our competitors outsource theirs, we custom-design and build our speakers from scratch. We wind our own voice coils, process the paper pulp into cones and even machine our own speaker back plates and frames. This enables us to control the quality, keep production costs down and frankly, to make better components. The premium-grade, full-range 6.5" neodymium driver was designed specifically, and optimized solely for use in the B207MP3.


The EUROLIVE B207MP3 provides high-quality sound, tremendous functionality and versatility for an amazingly low price. Compare the B207MP3 to the competition and you’ll own BEHRINGER with money to spare. Stop by your authorized dealer, or order yours online today!
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